A huge thank you to all the people who have made this project possible! Contributors are listed in (hopefully) chronological order. If you have contributed, but you are not on the list, create an issue on GitHub where you let me know, and I'll add you ;)
Code contribution
mortii, Vilhelm-Ian, xofm31, Jcuhfehl, schiozzone, Tartee, wolearyc, mdraves91, hans, RobHelgeson.
Docs contribution
Matt Vs Japan, mortii, Vilhelm-Ian, cocowash, xuiqzy, xofm31, zeroeightysix, wolearyc, Celebes, RobHelgeson.
Bugs reports, feature requests, or other helpful guidance
Vilhelm-Ian, CodeWithMa, ashprice, aleksejrs, HQYang1979, soliviantar, buster-blue, rymiel, BorisNA, wrinkledeth, cocowash, asayake-b5, quietmansoath, MichaelPetre, xofm31, knoebelja, xuiqzy, Jcuhfehl, fuquasteve, pallas42, syfgk, jahnke, jsteel44, iwouldrathernotusegithub, tanhoaian01, drkthomp, Kirchheim, zeroeightysix, Gardengul, wolearyc, Pedrubik2000, RyanMcEntire, BobvanSchendel, khanguyenwk, buqamura, Rct567, rwmpelstilzchen, bie-zheng, IncontinentCell, mdraves91.
MorphMan (v5.0-qt6-alpha.1)
Joseph Re, Jeremy Neiman, Chang Spivey, Patrice Peterson, Greg Price, kaegi, Landon Epps, InfiniteRain, David Lõssenko, imd, Shan Rauf, derpue, ianki, ym555, Zachery Gyurkovitz, David Gaya, Sara Aimée Smiseth, Yiufung Cheong, Daniel M German, sb7297, RisingOrange, Joe Strong, Jeffrey Ying, rameauv.