
The more cards you have with unique morph combinations, the more likely AnkiMorphs is to find the ideal next learning card for you. Large decks like those generated by sub2srs are therefore well-suited for AnkiMorphs. The drawbacks of large decks are that they require more disk space and the first sync might take a while, so find a size that works best for you.

In this guide I will be using this Japanese to English deck with 37K sub2srs cards.

If your deck has sub-decks like mine does then you also need to change one deck-options setting to get it working properly.

First Sync

The first time you sync a deck from/to a device, the media files are downloaded/uploaded which can take a long time depending on how many files there are. Note that sub2srs cards usually have two media files (screenshot image and sentence audio), which results in more files being synced than there are cards.

Errors can occur during the sync process, but the progress is usually saved, and you just have to click the sync button again.

Every subsequent sync should be lightning fast, even if AnkiMorphs makes changed to all your cards, it will usually only take a couple of seconds to sync with a normal internet connection because no media files were changed.


If your deck has sub-decks like mine does, then you need to configure the deck option in Anki to gather new cards from all the sub-decks, otherwise Anki only pulls new cards from one sub-deck at a time until that deck is empty. To fix this do the following:

  1. Go to the deck options of the deck that has sub-decks
  2. Go to Display Order
  3. Set New card gather order to Ascending position