AnkiMorphs can automatically color-code morphs based on their learning status, i.e., how well you know them.
I recommend only putting the highlighted-field on the back of cards. The reason for this is that, in order to get the best results, you want your SRS experience to simulate real life as much as possible. When reading in real life, you aren’t going to be told which words you know and which you don’t. So, it makes sense to have your sentence cards reflect this.
The highlighting can be done in two ways, the text can either be dynamically highlighted (just-in-time) whenever you encounter it, or by adding a static extra field to your cards that only updates when using Recalc.
Static vs Dynamic
Both options have their tradeoffs, and you should evaluate them before deciding which one to use.
Static | Dynamic | |
Works on mobile | Yes | No |
Can make viewing cards slower | No | Yes |
Increases collection size | Yes | No |
Increases sync duration | Yes | No |
Requires modifying cards | Yes | No |
Slower Recalc | Yes | No |
For highlighting to work, the cards must match a note filter. However, for
dynamic highlighting, the note filter does not need the read
or modify
options enabled. This means you can
apply highlighting to cards without sorting them.
For the static highlighting to work you have to also enable the am-highlighted
extra field.
Now we have to update the card templates and styling.
Changing Your Card Templates
Here is a simplified template of the card shown above without any highlighting:
To add dynamic highlighting to the back of the card we prepend am-highlight:
to the Japanese
To add static highlighting to the back of the card we replace the Japanese
field with am-highlighted
We also need to update the styling
section to specify which colors we want the morphs to have.
Changing Your Card Styling
You can pick and choose among these; if you only want unknown morphs to be highlighted, and you don't care about dark-mode, then only adding the first line would be enough. You can also change the colors to anything you want.
[morph-status=unknown] { color: blue; }
[morph-status=learning] { color: #8bb33d; } /* light-green */
[morph-status=known] { color: green; }
[morph-status=undefined] { color: grey; }
.nightMode [morph-status=unknown] { color: red; }
.nightMode [morph-status=learning] { color: #ffff99; } /* yellow */
.nightMode [morph-status=known] { color: #8bb33d; } /* light-green */
.nightMode [morph-status=undefined] { color: grey; }
It’s also possible to use background-color
[morph-status=unknown] { background-color: blue; }
[morph-status=learning] { background-color: #8bb33d; } /* light-green */
[morph-status=known] { background-color: green; }
[morph-status=undefined] { background-color: grey; }
.nightMode [morph-status=unknown] { background-color: red; }
.nightMode [morph-status=learning] { background-color: #ffff99; } /* yellow */
.nightMode [morph-status=known] { background-color: #8bb33d; } /* light-green */
.nightMode [morph-status=undefined] { background-color: grey; }
Ruby Character Filters
Note: The
Ignore content in square brackets
preprocess setting option needs to be activated for ruby character highlighting to function properly.
Anki supports ruby characters (pronunciation annotations) such as furigana. You can choose how these are displayed by prepending the respective character filter to the field on the card template. The native character filters work on the static highlighting, and for the dynamic highlighting we have corresponding custom filters.
Static | Dynamic | |
Kanji only | kanji: | am-highlight-kanji: |
Kana only | kana: | am-highlight-kana: |
Furigana | furigana: | am-highlight-furigana: |
Here is an example of what they all look like:
Duplicate Audio Problem
When the back of a card also has an audio field and not just the front, then both might play after each other when you
press Show Answer
on the card. To prevent both playing you can do the following:
- Go to deck-options
- Scroll down to the
section - Activate
Skip question when replaying answer