Card Handling


Encountering cards during study sessions:

This is where you can make AnkiMorphs really efficient. AnkiMorphs sorts your cards based on how well you know its content; the more you know, the sooner the card will be shown. The downside is this is that it might take a long time before you see a cards with any unknown morphs, i.e., you don't learn anything new.

To overcome this problem and speed up the learning process, we can use the options found here.

  • Skip cards with only known morphs:
    If AnkiMorph has determined that you know all the morphs on the card, then it will be buried and skipped.

  • Skip cards that have unknown morphs already seen today:
    If you have already studied a card earlier today with the same unknown morph, then any subsequent cards with that unknown morph will be buried and skipped, which reduces the need to Recalc.

  • Show "skipped x cards" notification:
    After cards are skipped, a notification in the lower left corner displays how many cards were skipped and for what reason. If you don't want to see this notification, you can uncheck this option.


On recalc:

  • Suspend new cards with only known morphs:
    Cards that have either the 'All morphs known' tag or the 'Set known and skip' tag will be suspended on Recalc.

  • Shift new cards that are not the first to have the unknown morph:
    This option is an alternative to the skip options that are only available on desktop, potentially making it easier to study new cards on mobile.

    There are two parameters you can adjust:

    • How much to shift/offset the due of the affected cards
    • How many unknown morphs to perform this shift/offset on

    Here is an example card order without this option activated:

    Card ID Unknown Morph Due
    Card_1 break 50 001
    Card_2 break 50 002
    Card_3 walk 50 003
    Card_4 walk 50 004

    Here are the same cards but with this option activated (due_shift = 50 000, first_morphs = 2):

    Card ID Unknown Morph Due
    Card_1 break 50 001
    Card_3 walk 50 003
    Card_2 break 100 002
    Card_4 walk 100 004

  • Move new cards without unknown morphs to the end of the due queue:
    New cards that do not contain any unknown morphs will be given a due value of 2047483647 which is the max score given by AnkiMorphs.